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What Dr. Eric Says About Gut Alive
Dr. Eric Wood, ND
Professor of Alternative Medicine
at Everglades University
Here's what some of our Customers have to say about our
Bestselling #1 Gut Alive Products...*
* Disclaimer: Holistic Labs Limited is not a medical organization. Do not consider any
information displayed through this website as medical advice or diagnosis. Also, please note
that results from using our program are not typical and may vary between different members due to
differences in individual exercise history, genetics, age, sex, personal motivation and other factors.
You should always consult your physician or qualified health care practitioner before embarking on a
new treatment, diet, or fitness program.
“I’ve been back sleeping better, I’ve been back to strenuous workout and exercises without any stomach issues.”
For many years, I have had stomach issues, like reflux, indigestion and those types of things. And the past few years it got quite so bad that it really affected my lifestyle i.e. trouble sleeping.
My work as a stuntman in the film industry, constantly doing strenuous workout and exercises too, and continuing to keep up with my occupation and my stomach issues were affecting my ability to do so.
So much so that I was seeing doctors, getting multiple things prescribed, from antacids and you named it.
And along with lifestyle changes, dietary changes, like walking after eating, smaller meals and just different foods to try to calm my system now and working a little better.
But it was still so bad that I still had a procedure scheduled to get my stomach checkout.
And just after a few weeks of trying out this Gut Alive product, I want to say that I feel like I don’t need the procedure any longer. I feel like my system is back to normal.
I’ve been back sleeping better, I’ve been back to strenuous workout and exercises without any stomach issues.
I want to attribute those positive changes to Gut Alive.
Jess Lundgren North Shore, Hawaii
“I like the fact that it's all-natural ingredients, so it’s not hurting anything.”
My name is Jay BB and I’ve been using Gut Alive now for about two months and it’s been working very well. I like the fact that you don’t have to chew antacids all the time.
I like the fact that it's all-natural ingredients, so it’s not hurting anything. I’ve got a long history with GERD [in the] last 35 years and this product does seem to work.
Jay B. Los Angeles, California
“The Gut Alive so far has been working pretty good.”
Hi! My name is Lisa. I’ve been taking Gut Alive for about one month now. I’ve been on the pharmaceutical drugs for acid reflux, probably the past 5 years and I really want to get off them. The Gut Alive so far has been working pretty good. I started to cut my dose in half, probably in the last two weeks and that’s been working good.
And so I’m going to just stack and keep taking them along with my pharmaceutical drug and keep cutting back on that little by little until hopefully, I get off them completely. And just a little tidbit, in case you didn’t know, my doctor told me recently that those pharmaceutical drugs that you take for acid reflux can actually interrupt your absorption of calcium. So if you have osteopenia or osteoporosis, you might want to consider, you know, making a change to that. Thanks a lot!
Lisa W. Manchester, New Hampshire
“I’d definitely be a customer for life and I would recommend Gut Alive to anybody. Thank you!”
Hi, I just wanted to say that I’ve tried Gut Alive and I’m very happy with the results that I’ve gotten. I’m no longer having the acid reflux come up. I’m able to finish a meal now.
So it’s definitely cut down on the stomach acid that was constantly coming up. I’d definitely be a customer for life and I would recommend Gut Alive to anybody. Thank you!
Jae H. Long Beach, California
“I’m very happy that Gut Alive helped to target the cause of my acid reflux problems by healing my gut lining from within.”
I had GERD so bad I could not list down all the problems it caused. I took Nexium and even Maalox for over two years, but I continue to have symptoms of a chronic cough, chest pain and feeling like getting the food and drink stuck.
After changes in dosage over 3 months, my Lower esophagus sphincter was still pretty much wide open and I was getting no relief. I was recommended for surgery, but I was skeptical as the doctor couldn’t tell me what was causing the acid reflux in the first place!
Then I went to research on alternative methods and even took Apple Cider vinegar as a treatment, but I had to quit because it was making my teeth more sensitive. I also did Yoga and tried an all-organic diet.
While some of these changes helped relieve my symptoms, I could never get off Nexium.
Once I added Gut Alive to my diet, I was able to cut down on my dosage of Nexium to just 1 pill a day.
Then it took a couple of months for me to wean myself off the last Nexium pill slowly. The best part was, once I quit the Nexium my body became ‘regular’ again.
4 months later, I am still Nexium free. I have literally tried everything and did not see real results until I took Gut Alive. I’m very happy that Gut Alive helped to target the cause of my acid reflux problems by healing my gut lining from within.
Barbara Phoenix, Arizona
“I had my doubts but I'm glad I tried it out. I can't guarantee it will work for everyone, all I can say is it worked for me.”
I was having all the IBS symptoms for a month. Those of us that suffer these symptoms can relate that trying to leave the house to get to work or just to have a social life is non-existent. Seeing a GI doctor and trying to change my diet over and over just wasn't helping.
I don't recall how I found Gut Alive but all I remember was I had to give it a try. After the third day I felt so much better. I can eat without any pain and no other IBS symptoms. I had my doubts but I'm glad I tried it out. I can't guarantee it will work for everyone, all I can say is it worked for me.
Roger Boston, Massachusetts
“My deepest appreciation to those who developed this formula… For me it’s a lifesaver..Thank you so much!!”
I have had IBS since I was 22...I am now 45. For the last 5 weeks, I was suffering with ongoing diarrhea. I have never suffered from ongoing diarrhea like this. My family was ready to hospitalize me as I was losing weight and not able to eat anything that didn't go right through me. Fortunately I drink a lot of water and that kept me hydrated.
I came across Gut Alive and after watching a video on the website, I decided to give it a try. I think the time element of success may depend on age and severity.
I begged them to give me a chance at this formula first. It took two weeks for me, and the diarrhea stopped. I am feeling healthy again. My deepest appreciation to those who developed this formula… For me it’s a lifesaver..Thank you so much!!
Tracey Boise, Idaho
“It works, I feel better for most of the time, it's amazing. If I cheat with dairy or gluten I still have some discomfort but nothing like before. I recommend this product highly!”
I have had stomach issues my whole adult life. I stopped eating gluten and dairy products a few years ago, which has helped. Stomach bloating and discomfort still continued. I saw an ad about this Gut Alive which talks about how it heals the gut lining. It got my attention and I ordered a bottle.
I immediately began to feel better. I took 2 capsules everyday for a few months, I am down to taking just one in the morning. It works, I feel better for most of the time, it's amazing. If I cheat with dairy or gluten I still have some discomfort but nothing like before. I recommend this product highly!
Irene Concord, New Hampshire
“I have started using Gut Alive for a couple of weeks and I can say that it works well for my condition. I have to say that I have tried different drugs for my IBS but nothing worked quickly as this supplement.”
I am suffering from IBS for almost 15 years. I will get sudden attacks of abdominal pain or cramps in the lower abdomen. During the attack, it affects my nervous system and all the parts of my body is in pain. I feel like electricity is moving around my body.
I have started using Gut Alive for a couple of weeks and I can say that it works well for my condition. I have to say that I have tried different drugs for my IBS but nothing worked quickly as this supplement.
I am really happy and grateful for Gut Alive.
Florence Bethesda, Maryland
“Gut Alive is an excellent remedy and it really works! I highly recommend this as a natural diarrhea remedy. I personally will never be without it. Thank you!”
I cannot say enough about how fantastic Gut Alive is! I have IBS-D and I generally don't like to resort to taking something like Imodium when my symptoms get the better of me.
Gut Alive is an excellent remedy and it really works! I highly recommend this as a natural diarrhea remedy. I personally will never be without it. Thank you!
Jessica Houston, Texas
“I feel much more regular, my cramps are gone, and I don't have to worry about being embarrassed, or not being able to hang out with my friends or take trips. It's given me complete relief, and I really recommend it!”
I bought Gut Alive because my IBS was causing me a lot of problems. I couldn't go on road trips because I never knew when I'd have to go. And the cramps were so bad some days I had to call off work. My job is really important to me, so I knew I had to do something.
I was a little worried because I'd tried so many other things and they don’t work.
But I'm really glad I tried Gut Alive. I feel much more regular, my cramps are gone, and I don't have to worry about being embarrassed, or not being able to hang out with my friends or take trips. It's given me complete relief, and I really recommend it!
Holly Jackson, Mississippi
4 Nutrients For A Stronger Gut
Discover the nutrients that repair and heal your gut.
The Root Cause of Crohn’s Disease
Learn the real reason why you are suffering from Crohn’s Disease and what you can do to tackle to root cause.
The Japanese Secret to Relieve IBD Symptoms
The Japanese have discovered a unique natural method for Crohn’s and other IBD symptoms. Learn more in the video…
Are You Deficient in This Mineral?
Patients who suffer from Crohn’s and IBD are likely to be deficient in this mineral. Watch to learn more…
Ready for Better Gut Health?
An estimated 60 million Americans suffer from digestive issues every day. Globally, a staggering 200 million people have problems with symptoms like stomach cramps, gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.
As such, our website's main goal is to provide the latest research and studies on natural ingredients for your gut health, to help you overcome this debilitating condition.
The above video presentation is our latest documentary to share with you our main research on Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD, particularly Crohn’s Disease, and hopefully to provide the critical help and support needed so you can eat your way to a healthy and optimal gut.
Gut Alive Philosophy
We believe our digestive health is the most important organs in our body.
It helps to convert food into nutrients your body needs and to rid the body of waste.
Fact is, your gut should be functioning well even at old age. However, in today’s world, it’s easy to fall “off the wagon” and your digestion may not be working as it should. That’s where we come in!
Gut Alive shares with you what your gut needs and requires so you know how to eat the right foods in the right combinations, and avoid damaging your digestive health.
Our goal is to reach out to the 60 million Americans and improve their digestive system.
The breakthrough research to fight Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
The big secret to reversing any gastrointestinal illness
Our Published Reports
The IBS Solution Book
The top 10 IBS trigger foods and ingredients you might not be aware of.
$ 37.00
Ultra Gut
Recipe Book
These yummy recipes have a soothing effect on your digestive system and can improve the condition of your esophagus.