She ate bland healthy food. Took zantac or nexium every day for the past 5 years. Slept on wedge pillows.

Just like the doctor ordered.

Sounds familiar? Meet Nancy.

Yes, she hadn’t had any heartburn or indigestion at all since she’d started taking the acid-blockers..

But something isn’t quite right.

She didn’t have any symptoms and illnesses… She was just feeling weak, and plain tired. Really tired.

Her visible skin was devoid of any pink tones. She scarcely had any brown hue.

If only she knew about the breakthrough nutrient Japanese researchers discovered and patented in Japan…
Hi, my name is

Laura Lindsey,

I’m the chief nutritionist of Holistic Health Labs.

And Once I Show You The

Breakthrough Research From Japan

And Once I Show You The Breakthrough Research From Japan

You’ll see with your very own eyes why stomach acid isn’t the culprit for the heartburn you are experiencing.

You’ll also understand the real reason why you are suffering from severe burning sensation in your chest whenever the stomach acid flows up into your gut.

And how to get rid of the lumpy feeling in your throat and the bitter taste of stomach acid and bile…

Yet doesn’t it seem odd?

Why haven’t you heard anything on the news? Newspapers? Even on social media?

Well Here’s the Truth

This study has been buried under piles and piles of lies.

Why would they want you to know the big secret...
When they can continue to sell you their “acid neutralizer” for the next 30 years?

So please, take some time to read this letter right now...

Because the secrets you learn here will help you heal your gut & eliminate the constant irritation and pain in your chest…
If you follow the healthy tips I’m going to share only with you and a select few...

But before I do… I need to talk about the...
that’s keeping you, your family, or dear friend from being free from needless suffering NOW.

The big lie is that too much stomach acid is the main culprit behind heartburn, acid reflux and GERD...

And they can only be treated with drugs and medications that suck dry most of the stomach acids from your gut.
These lies are propagated all over mainstream media…

Like the Rolaids Spells Relief commercial, which promises relief from acid indigestion, heartburn and gas by ‘soaking up to 47 times in excess stomach acid’.

Or the commercial for the acid reflux drug Nexium,

Which claims that “Nexium goes to the source of the problem, actually reducing the amount of acids your body creates’, and claims to provide up to ‘24 hour day and night heartburn relief’.
As you can see, their commercial message is clear: “The less acid we have in our stomachs, the better”.

We are led to blindly and automatically believe that drugs like Prilosec, Prevacid, Tagamet, Zantac, Pepcid, Axid, Rolaids, Gaviscon, Maalox and Alka-Seltzer are necessary to neutralize the acids produced by your stomach to ‘fix’ any form of reflux…

Or that a surgery is the only way to deal with your severe reflux and improve your quality of life.

But these drugs or surgery come at a cost to your health that are being ignored by the big pharmaceutical companies...

With side effects like diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache and other long term health implications which I‘ll be talking about later on...

And Most Importantly, It Doesn’t Solve The Root Cause Of Acid Reflux

The truth is your body already has the amazing power to defend, neutralize and protect your esophagus from the strong stomach acid.

Not only that, anyone can unleash this powerful healing mechanism for themselves, naturally and easily — which is what your body already wants to do — if you just knew how.

I know this sounds hard to believe, so allow me to let you in on some secrets the big pharma companies don’t want you to know.

If stomach acid is NOT the root cause of acid reflux, GERD, Barrett’s esophagus, or esophagitis, then what is really the root cause?

First, take a look at how a normal and healthy esophagus looks like.

It’s just a normally flat and long stretch of pink tissue.

Now, let’s take a look at a video of an endoscopy procedure of a patient with acid reflux.

If you look closely, there are a few erosions and redness on the esophagus walls.

And for a person with Barrett’s esophagus, there seems to be painful sores, more inflammation, and redness on the esophagus lining.

As you can see, the real reason why you are suffering from acid reflux, GERD, Barrett’s esophagus, or esophagitis, is because your esophagus lining is eroded and damaged.

If there is no damage to the esophagus wall, you won’t feel a thing even if you have too much stomach acid.

But when the esophagus wall is damaged and inflamed, even just a tiny drop of stomach acid is enough to cause a stingy and burning sensation.

And It Doesn’t Stop Here

Further damage and inflammation to the esophagus lining can progress into a precancerous stage known as Barrett’s Esophagus, and then a full-blown esophageal cancer can develop.

This is known as the vicious cycle of eroding esophagus lining.

What you really need to do is to heal the walls of the esophagus, instead of neutralizing the stomach acid.

Because stomach acid plays an important role in absorbing the nutrients needed to regenerate the cells of the esophageal lining…

And if your body is unable to absorb the nutrients needed to regenerate the cells of the esophageal lining…

You won’t be able to heal the inflamed lining in your gut.

No matter how much proton pump inhibitors, antacids, and acid suppressants you take, the lesions and inflammation in your esophagus will still be there.

And may lead to serious problems in the future. I’m sure you don’t want to experience that…

But before you lose all hope, here’s the breakthrough nutrient you can take advantage of and heal your esophagus once again.

Thanks to the Japanese scientists back in 1994

They Have Discovered A Super Gut Healing Nutrient Called Zinc Carnosine

The scientists have found out that once zinc is combined with L-carnosine to form Zinc Carnosine, it is able to deliver zinc to our gut and work its magic to heal our esophagus and stomach lining…

Hundreds of studies and research have shown that an adequate amount of zinc in your gut is necessary to strengthen the lining of your entire gastrointestinal walls and protect it against the strong stomach acid.

The problem is when you take zinc directly, the stomach acid reacts instantly with zinc, which results in zinc having corrosive, antimicrobial, and immune-stimulating properties that irritate the stomach tissue.

As a result, most people experience severe stomach pain and gastritis after taking them.

However, in order for zinc to heal the esophagus lining, we need to slow down the absorption of zinc in the stomach so that zinc can remain on the surface of the esophagus barrier and be able to repair the damaged tissues.

And that’s why the patented nutrient, Zinc Carnosine, is much superior in healing your gut lining compared to zinc alone.
In numerous clinical trials, Zinc carnosine has been shown to

• Protect the esophagus from heartburn
• Relieve gastric discomfort
• Neutralize and eliminate other strains of harmful bacteria in your gut
• Heal ulcers and gastritis by reducing inflammation
• Maintain a healthy interstitial environment

And zinc carnosine does this without the side effects of proton pump inhibitors, acid suppressants or antacids!
Because of its remarkable healing properties, the Japanese government even approved zinc carnosine as a natural patented drug that doctors can prescribe to their patients for digestive issues since 1994.

This is a unique, one of a kind, super nutrient that heals your gut lining..

And that’s not all…

I’ve discovered an ancient herb which grows natively in southern Europe and Asia that have similar properties to zinc carnosine that works hand in hand to boost, magnify and amplify the healing effects on your esophagus lining.

I’m Talking About Licorice Root

What’s really amazing about Licorice is its ability to promote mucus production, soften the mucous membranes, and enhance the growth of the cells which line the stomach.

Just like zinc carnosine, Licorice protects your gut from the strong stomach acid, and hence alleviating the acid reflux symptoms.
But before you take any foods that contain licorice, you need to be aware that most of the licorice contain high fructose corn syrup, which is a sweetener that aggravates acid reflux or heartburn.

On top of that, the glycyrrhetic acid in licorice can elevate your blood pressure and sodium level.

Instead of taking licorice root directly for acid reflux, what I would recommend is to take deglycyrrhized licorice, because they undergo a standardizing process to remove the glycyrrhetic acid.

To ensure that you can safely consume the deglycyrrhized licorice and enjoy the acid protective benefits it provides.
A combination of the purest grade, highest potency, zinc carnosine with deglycyrrhized licorice is necessary *IF* you want to prevent, reverse and eliminate heartburn, acid reflux, GERD or even barrett’s esophagus.

However, to get both these ingredients into ONE affordable solution is no easy task.

There’s a reason you won’t find this in your local health store alongside all the other cheap pretenders.
When we first tried to look for zinc carnosine in the United States, many manufacturers told us all they could find were 2 separated ingredients
There was not a single manufacturer that could produce Zinc Carnosine as a combined single compound.

As I mentioned before, this is actually very important because zinc by itself will be rapidly absorbed in the stomach and eliminated from your body and not able to repair your esophagus.

After months of sourcing and researching for Zinc Carnosine, the only way to do that is to import them all the way from Japan.
That’s because Zinc Carnosine is patented in Japan under a name called PepsinGI and no other manufacturers have the license to produce them legally in the United States.

The only problem? It is not going to be cheap.

But you see, I have a secret weapon…

Our team at Holistic Labs work with a small manufacturer flexible enough to meet my exacting demands. They’re GMP compliant, FDA registered and located in Georgia, United States.

And this time, I think they’ve created their best work.
A solution that is able to repair your esophagus lining and allow you to recover from acid reflux, GERD and even barrett esophagus.

Now, finally YOU can get the highest quality heartburn formula along with the highest possible potency without any side effects.

However, my small manufacturer has a limited supply of inventory right now. It takes time to ship all the way from Japan.

Yet I believe, if it means people like you all over the world can be acid reflux FREE, maybe for the first time in years, it’s totally worth it.

If TOTALLY NATURAL relief is what you need right now,

What Dr. Wood Says About Gut Alive

Dr. Eric Wood, ND
Professor of Alternative Medicine at Everglades University
Dr. Eric Wood, ND
Professor of Alternative Medicine at Everglades University
The purest, most potent natural reflux solution to banish acid reflux from its source by healing and repairing your esophagus.

It comprises of Zinc Carnosine from PepsinGI, deglycyrrhized licorice, and 2 gut-boosting ingredients - ginger and artichoke leaf.

And I’ll share with you why we couldn’t resist to add ginger and artichoke leaf to our formula.

Ginger and artichoke leaf helps to reduce any irritation in the stomach lining, or scratchy feelings in the back of your throat.

Irritation in your gut leads to overproduction of pepsin and hydrochloric acid which taxes and weakens the stomach. It also leads to more acid flowing up to the esophagus, causing more damage.

On top of that, both Ginger and artichoke leaf stimulate the production of mucous created by the stomach lining.


Ginger is a powerful compound that has been found to treat morning sickness, stomach indigestion, nausea, increase the contractions of stomach muscles and let food move forward in the digestive system.


Ginger is a powerful compound that has been found to treat morning sickness, stomach indigestion, nausea, increase the contractions of stomach muscles and let food move forward in the digestive system.

Artichoke Leaf

Artichoke leaf on the other hand stimulates the production of bile which is needed for the efficient digestion of fats. This allows the zinc carnosine, ginger and Deglycerized licorice to work their magic on the lining of your gut.

Artichoke Leaf

Artichoke leaf on the other hand stimulates the production of bile which is needed for the efficient digestion of fats. This allows the zinc carnosine, ginger and Deglycerized licorice to work their magic on the lining of your gut.
That, in a nutshell, is how Gut Alive ultimately helps to heal your esophagus, prevent ulcers and literally prevent you from the chronic irritation and pain of acid reflux!

But you don’t have to take my word for it.

Here’s what some of our customers have to say after taking Gut Alive.

Now, keep in mind, these are the folks who have tried many antacids, PPIs, acid suppressants, and have even undergone invasive procedures like nissen fundoplication, or hiatal hernia repair, so they know what’s out there.

Here's Barbara's story...

I had GERD so bad I could not list down all the problems it caused. I took Nexium and even Maalox for over 2 years but I continue to have symptoms of chronic cough, chest pain and feeling like getting the food and drink stuck.

After changes in dosage over 3 months my Lower esophagus sphincter was still pretty much wide open and I was getting no relief. I was recommended for surgery but I was skeptical as the doctor couldn’t tell me what was causing the acid reflux in the first place!

Then I went to research on alternative methods and even took Apple Cider vinegar as a treatment, but I had to quit because it was making my teeth more sensitive. I also did Yoga and tried an all-organic diet.

While some of these changes helped relieve my symptoms, I could never get off Nexium.

Once I added Gut Alive to my diet, I was able to cut down on my dosage of Nexium to just 1 pill a day.

Then it took a couple of months for me to slowly wean myself off the last Nexium pill. The best part was, once I quit the Nexium my body became ‘regular’ again.

4 months later, I am still Nexium free. I have literally tried everything and did not see real results until I took Gut Alive. I’m very happy that Gut Alive helped to target the root cause of my acid reflux problems by healing my gut lining from within.

And here’s Lisa from New Hampshire...

Hi! My name is Lisa. I’ve been taking Gut Alive for about one month now. I’ve been on the pharmaceutical drugs for acid reflux, probably the past 5 years and I really want to get off them. The Gut Alive so far has been working pretty good. I started to cut my dose in half, probably in the last two weeks and that’s been working good.

And so I’m going to just stack and keep taking them along with my pharmaceutical drug and keep cutting back on that little by little until hopefully, I get off them completely. And just a little tidbit, in case you didn’t know, my doctor told me recently that those pharmaceutical drugs that you take for acid reflux can actually interrupt your absorption of calcium. So if you have osteopenia or osteoporosis, you might want to consider, you know, making a change to that. Thanks a lot!

And here’s Rusty from Arkansas...

Hey everybody, I just want to tell you about Gut Alive. It really helped me a whole bunch. Just had a big lunch and haven't had any issues with reflux or heartburn since I've been taking the product, and it's fantastic. I can't recommend it enough.

And here’s Jess from Hawaii...

For many years, I have had stomach issues, like reflux, indigestion and those types of things. And the past few years it got quite so bad that it really affected my lifestyle i.e. trouble sleeping.

My work as a stuntman in the film industry, constantly doing strenuous workout and exercises too, and continuing to keep up with my occupation and my stomach issues were affecting my ability to do so.

So much so that I was seeing doctors, getting multiple things prescribed, from antacids and you named it.

And along with lifestyle changes, dietary changes, like walking after eating, smaller meals and just different foods to try to calm my system now and working a little better.

But it was still so bad that I still had a procedure scheduled to get my stomach checkout.

And just after a few weeks of trying out this Gut Alive product, I want to say that I feel like I don’t need the procedure any longer. I feel like my system is back to normal.

I’ve been back sleeping better, I’ve been back to strenuous workout and exercises without any stomach issues.

I want to attribute those positive changes to Gut Alive.

And here’s Jay from California...

My name is Jay BB and I’ve been using Gut Alive now for about two months and it’s been working very well. I like the fact that you don’t have to chew antacids all the time.

I like the fact that it's all-natural ingredients, so it’s not hurting anything. I’ve got a long history with GERD [in the] last 35 years and this product does seem to work.

And here’s Jae from California...

Hi, I just wanted to say that I’ve tried Gut Alive and I’m very happy with the results that I’ve gotten. I’m no longer having the acid reflux come up. I’m able to finish a meal now.

So it’s definitely cut down on the stomach acid that was constantly coming up. I’d definitely be a customer for life and I would recommend Gut Alive to anybody. Thank you!

Here’s Vinny from Texas...

So far Gut Alive has been working very well and sort of optimize my stomach for digestion by increasing the mucosal lining. I was taking Gut Alive with another digestive enzyme and I thought the other supplements were doing most of the work, so when I ran out of Gut Alive I didn’t reorder.

But the week after I stopped Gut Alive my gas and stomach problems just came back. I immediately reordered and started taking the Gut Alive and my symptoms disappeared! Now I can eat anything I want and I don’t have any symptoms whatsoever.

I don’t take omeprazole anymore and I feel my stomach lining is healed. I will continue to take this probably for the rest of my life.

And here’s what Chris experienced...

Initially I was taking two to three doses of omeprazole per day, then I was starting to become resistant to it. The acid reflux would get so bad that I could actually vomit from the acid and experience symptoms of really “hot” breath that feels like it burns the back of the throat and the tonsils area. Then I had to peel myself out of bed and drink a ton of water to try and drown the burning sensation. After taking Gut Alive for about 8 days and experiencing some significant improvements, I decided to quit omeprazole ‘cold turkey’ as it wasn’t helping anyway. Since being on Gut Alive I had zero acid rebound and I wish that I knew about Gut Alive years ago.

Isn’t That Amazing?

Gut Alive and the results speak for themselves.

We receive letters like this every single day from people who have had their acid reflux issues eliminated by these incredible healing nutrients.

What Makes Gut Alive So Powerful?

There are three reasons why Gut Alive has become the most powerful GERD supplement today.
We carefully choose the highest quality ingredients with the highest potency.
Like I mentioned earlier, zinc carnosine (PepzinGI) and deglycyrrhized licorice have to be sourced from specific country or supplier so that it can really work for your acid reflux.

With weaker products, you end up spending more because you need to take more capsules for each serving and you are forced to keep ordering more.
Gut Alive is gluten-free, soy-free and lactose free.
Now, THIS is very important.

Many companies use fillers in their capsules that may contain gluten, soy or lactose which can upset your stomach and worsen your acid reflux…

This is especially important because fillers like gelatin, silicon dioxide, stearic acid and other ingredients can disrupt your gut and worsen your acid reflux.

This brings me to the next criteria of the ideal acid reflux solution.
We used the exact dosage that is recommended in scientific studies and research.
This is very important because without sufficient quantity of the ingredients, it will not be powerful enough to heal your gut lining.

Gut Alive is backed up by clinical studies with similar dosage so that your gut gets the optimal support it needs.

Gut Alive is the only reflux formula on the market to meet these 3 strict qualifications.

And that’s why so many doctors and nutrition specialists recommend Gut Alive to their patients.

Now, I’m Sure You Can See Why We Will Be Pricing Gut Alive At The Higher End Of The Market

The patented Pepsin GI, deglycerized Licorice, ginger and artichoke leaf used…

Requires a high investment to maintain this standard of quality.

But we were concerned about how many people would NOT be able to afford Gut Alive if we priced it at a premium.

We want to make this affordable to everyone who needs it.

So we put our heads together here at Holistic Health Labs and came up with a possible solution to push the manufacturing costs down.

And to do that, I would like to ask a small favor…

We want to hear from you.

We Want To Hear How Your Life Has Been Transformed

How you no longer feel the acid regurgitating up to your throat and causing irritation and pain in your chest.

How your digestion is as strong as it was when you were a child and how every time you eat, you can FEEL the food digesting fully and quickly.

And elimination is, after years, or even decades, as normal as a Swiss watch.

For the first time, in a long long time, you will feel your entire digestive tract completely empty itself out, effortlessly and WITHOUT the need for any medication, or assistance.

How even mental fog, memory lapses, and scattered thinking disappeared and your deep concentration finally returned.

And that’s why we want to hear your experience.

For a limited time, we’re going to let you ‘test drive’ Gut Alive absolutely risk FREE…

… with a ridiculously low price.

Even though the company has set the regular price of $89.97 for a 30 days supply…

Which is an absolute steal for what it can do to heal your esophagus for good.

Now because you are watching this video, you can get your first bottle at our introductory, grand opening price of just $39.97.

Yes, it’s only $39.97 for a bottle of Gut Alive…

That’s $50 off the regular price.

And it gets as low as $29.97 per bottle if you order a 6 months supply.

And of course, there’s our 30 days ZERO RISK money back guarantee.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Our #1 Policy Is Customer Satisfaction

We are so confident how our Gut Alive will work for you that we’re willing to let you try out 1 bottle of Gut Alive for 30 days!

… and if after taking Gut Alive, you don’t see dramatic improvements in your gut whether be it soothing and relieving your acid reflux, GERD, barrett esophagus, or alleviating your heartburn symptoms, simply send back the unused portion for a fast and full refund.

Even when you purchase our 6 bottles package, you can still return the 5 unopened bottles for a full refund within 30 days of purchase.
That’s how much we stand by our product.

Here’s the best part…

When you purchase any of our packages today, you’ll be able to lock in this low price FOREVER.

Even when the price goes up to $89.97 after today’s special, you will STILL be able to re-order at $39.97.

So once you have selected your package below,

You Will Be Taken To Our Checkout Page That Looks Like This:

Just fill in your details and your first bottle of Gut Alive will be shipped out within 24-48 hours.

Now, if that isn’t enough to encourage you to take action…

In addition to getting the best reflux relief formula available today…

I want to make sure you get the most out of your new order for Gut Alive.

That’s Why We Are Including This Special Bonus For You

Usual price


With Gut Alive:


Usual price


With Gut Alive:


Bonus #1

The Reflux Solution

Get Rid of the Burning Sensation in Your Chest, Stop the Belching and Bloating in Your Stomach, and Eliminate Chest Pain Forever.

I feel it’s important to help you truly understand how to tap into your body’s ability to heal your gut and all the natural ways to alleviate the symptoms of this debilitating condition.

So that is why I’m including one of our publication ebook, The Reflux Solution completely free.

With The Reflux Solution, I will show you:

The top 3 heartburn causing foods and other acid reflux-causing agents you might not be aware of.

You need to identify and stay away from potential reflux triggers at least for a while till your esophagus heals.

You’ll learn how these foods weaken your esophagus, and how to choose esophageal strengthening and gut protecting foods.

How to include the top 5 natural remedies to stop the burning sensation and chest pain fast.

Next, you will learn how to tailor various acid reflux remedies specifically to your own condition and accelerate your road to recovery.

I’ll also show you the different types of medication and drugs commonly used for GERD, how each of them works and their long-term devastating side effects.

And the simple, natural and holistic ways you can intervene and break the cycle apart to heal your gut and allow the body to rebuild itself.

And that’s just the beginning.

Usually, this important report sells for $47.

It is yours FREE, when you order Gut Alive today.

Now when you buy 3 bottles and above, you’ll also get our Ultra Gut Yummy Recipes which is worth $27:

Usual price


With Gut Alive:


Usual price


With Gut Alive:


Bonus #2

Ultra Gut Yummy Recipes

These recipes contain delicious reflux-friendly ingredients specially designed by our team of nutritionists to help you combat GERD.

These yummy recipes have a soothing effect on your digestive system and can improve the condition of your esophagus.

... so you don’t have to feel miserable and suffer from anxiety even before a meal, or struggle with what to eat that doesn’t cause pain and discomfort.

And if you buy our best valued 6 bottles package,

I’ll throw in Ultra Gut Holistic Treatment Manual which is worth $27…

In Ultra Gut Meridian Massage Manual…

You’ll discover the secrets of Meridian Massage to get rid of his frustrating chest pain and sleep better at night.

In fact, I show you the mechanism of this unique Meridian Massage treatment that originated back in 2600 BC, and how they work by tackling the root cause of acid reflux, instead of just addressing the symptoms.

I also explain, in simple terms,and the specific acupuncture points in the body that you can massage for a few minutes a day to enhance and improve your digestive system, so that you can alleviate the internal gloating, gas symptoms and awful pressure on your abdomen.

So take your pick from the options below and you’ll qualify for one of the bonuses.

But here’s a tip: if you choose the 6-bottle option below, you will only pay $34.97 per bottle and get $101 worth of bonus reports!

And these bonuses are yours to keep even if you decide to return Gut Alive.

But to enjoy these benefits, you must be willing to try… Just try Gut Alive on a completely RISK-FREE basis.

So Click The Button Below To Order Now…

Select the Package that’s Right for You

Right now, this could be the turning point of your life.

It depends on which path you have chosen.

So As It Stands, You Have 3 Choices Right Now

Option 1
You can continue to struggle and be tired of having to deal with pain like having a 50Ibs weight on your chest, a 30 minutes stomach spasm, heart palpitations that feel like they will never stop.

And had to rely on Prilosec, prevacid, Tagamet, Zantac, Pepcid, Axid or other acid reducers to relieve the burning sensation.
Option 2
The second option is to go for fundoplication surgery when the drugs stop working. The surgeon will make an 8-inch incision in the abdomen to expose the stomach and lower esophagus, or make 5 keyhole incisions.

Then the surgeon will wrap the upper part of your stomach around your lower esophagus and stitch it into place. This wrap acts as a belt to tighten the LES.

It can cost $18,000 for this procedure.

Sometimes there are side effects, like irritation and inflammation at the site of surgery, and also the feeling of a fully bloated stomach, a sour taste in the mouth, dry mouth, stomach hypersensitivity, nausea, and the inability to belch or vomit.
Option 3
Try Gut Alive. Try it for at least two weeks. The instructions are on the bottle. They are easy to follow. You can still use the tips I’ve given you earlier. They will just make things go much faster.

And if, in the highly unlikely event, you’re NOT impressed, you have a FULL 30-Days to decide.

A lifetime of vibrant health awaits you.

So click on the link below now to try Gut Alive at the special introductory price, totally risk-free.

Select the Package that’s Right for You

Allie took her chance and here’s her story...

There are days I feel pretty good and think that I have the acid reflux all under control and then there are days where it just feels like someone blew up a balloon right here. Then it makes it hard for me to breathe, and then comes the anxiety. I really want off this roller coaster so badly that I ordered Gut Alive the moment my best friend told me it worked for her acid reflux. And that was 6 months after I was on PPI and Domperidone that did nothing for me. Gut Alive is the only product that is helping me heal my gut from the inside out. After two and a half weeks I was able to wean off all of the Omeprazole. I have never felt better and am very grateful for the results!

Here’s Jan from Nevada...

I started taking Zantac about 4 months ago when my doctor diagnosed me with acid reflux. After being on Zantac, I developed tinnitus and it was so bad that my husband complained how loud I turned up the TV and how loud I talked. The worse thing was I was vomiting stomach acid and getting horrible chest pains. I drank so much water that I literally live in the restroom. The pain was just unbearable.

Then I made the decision to stop Zantac and try Gut Alive as it contains ingredients that are proven to soothe the gut.

For the first few days I thought it didn’t work for me. But after a week, my reflux gradually disappeared! I no longer feel the acid regurgitating and the burning sensation. Thank you for making such an awesome product. I am definitely going to order more Gut Alive again for “insurance”!

And here’s Angela from Missouri...

This product is amazing. For years I suffered from crippling reflux and I’ve only been on it two weeks but my reflux hasn’t been this under control in ages. Yes I still have it, and yes you shouldn’t just go crazy and down a bunch of mcdonalds then lay down on your stomach, but I am seeing results this quick.

Also I’ve taken about 20 different medications for it but have not experienced results this good. I can only hope it continues to work!

As you can see, there’s a very high demand for Gut Alive, with many people already jumping on board with 3 or 6 bottles before the price increases to the retail price of $89.97.

So, if you’ve made up your mind to get rid of acid reflux, GERD, barrett esophagus, bloating and indigestion, and finally gaining back the life and happiness you’ve been longing for, don’t miss out on this special offer.

This Is Your Moment

Select the Package that’s Right for You

And simply take Gut Alive daily.

Within just a few days you’ll feel exciting changes in your life.

Again, this has been Laura Lindsey, Chief Nutritionist of Holistic Labs.

Thank you for your time.

I really hope you’ll take action now and join us. I can’t wait to hear your results.

If You’re Still Here, You Probably Have Some Questions

The most common ones my readers asked me are:

Simply take 1 capsule two times daily with a meal.

Yes, absolutely, and that is what is recommended.

When you take Gut Alive for the long term, it helps to heal the lining in your digestive tract completely.

If you are suffering any kind of digestive issues, Gut Alive can also help strengthen your gut too.

We will ship your order directly to your home or office using USPS priority mail if you are based in United States and you will have it within 3 to 6 business days.

No. This is NOT an auto-ship program.
You only get shipped what you order today and nothing more.

Absolutely. We use a 256-bit secure ordering server so you are protected the same as if you were ordering from or any other trusted Website.

We are unable to guarantee today’s pricing beyond today.
Once we get enough testimonials and reviews, we will most likely increase the price.

Gut Alive was created to work. If for any reason at all you are unsatisfied with your Gut Alive purchase, just let us know and we will refund even empty bottles without question. You’re always protected by our industry best 30 day Money Back Guarantee.

OK, those are all the frequently asked questions. If you have anymore when you start using Gut Alive you have our Customer Service email at [email protected] or call us at 312 324 0024 between 10am - 10 pm Eastern Time. We will be happy to answer any question that comes up.

So again, if you haven’t done so already, place your order right now and start the road to feeling great again.